Friday, February 25, 2011

Cozy Reader's Giveaway Extravaganza Introduction


As previously announced I am celebrating the milestone of 500 followers with an Extravaganza!  (aka massive giveaway)  The requirements?  FOLLOW!  It doesn't matter if your new or old, seasoned or veteran .... you just have to be a GFC follower or subscriber! 

Why?  Good question!  This is a giveaway specifically for followers!  The milestone was created because of you!  The donated books were donated because of you!  The time spent on this giveaway's preparation and execution was because I am thankful and happy to have each one of you as part of my blog!  It is an honor. 

How will this work?  Easy!  Each day I will post 2 giveaways until they run out!  Please read about the title and enter only if you are really interested in the book.  Each title will give a quick spotlight of information about the book, it's author and where it can be purchased!  At the end of the spotlight will be a easy form to fill out if you'd like to enter.  Be prepared to leave your GFC alias or the e-mail you subscribe.  I will verify that you follow.

Which country's are eligible?  Each title will have different regulations due to the shipper!  The majority are US/CAN only.  I do have a few international titles that are e-books!  Good luck to all and thank you for following!!

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