Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Helloooo Blog! Nice New Design.....

I have a new design!  I have been looking to change my blog and find something that looks more "Cozy".  Since I am unable to pay for a blog design it is hard to find free or inexpensive designs that fit and are not in wide use.  My dream of a new design was solved when I hopped across Bloggy Designz.  Here I found Amy, who I already follow via her book blog, and a bunch of free designs.  I commented on one of her designs letting her know what I was trying to find and true to her word she helped me!  This blog design is her creation and I am very excited!  I'd love to know what you think! Leave a comment and head on over to Bloggy Designz in support!

Thanks Amy!!


  1. I am so glad you like the design! I searched forever for the perfect "Cozy" feel stuff for you!

  2. It looks great!
    I'm now following you.


  3. It looks really good! It is making me think about my design too..perhaps I should go find a more subtle book blog background?


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